Jazz Lover Sponsor
Concert Coverage At each of our four FREE Tuesday Night Market Jazz Concerts, we prominently display sponsors’ names at stage front of Grinstead Amphitheater, and we distribute a program about the performers, with a listing of our Jazz Lover sponsors. We estimate thousands of local Sonoma residents will recognize your sponsorship during the summer.
Concert Coverage At each of our four FREE Tuesday Night Market Jazz Concerts, we prominently display sponsors’ names at stage front of Grinstead Amphitheater, and we distribute a program about the performers, with a listing of our Jazz Lover sponsors. We estimate thousands of local Sonoma residents will recognize your sponsorship during the summer.
Concert Coverage At each of our four FREE Tuesday Night Market Jazz Concerts, we prominently display sponsors’ names at stage front of Grinstead Amphitheater, and we distribute a program about the performers, with a listing of our Jazz Lover sponsors. We estimate thousands of local Sonoma residents will recognize your sponsorship during the summer.