Jazz Patrons


This level includes the top 4 items with Jazz Lovers plus the following exclusive benefits: The Jazz Patron will be recognized as the Official Patron of one of our FREE Tuesday Night Market Concerts during the summer in Grinstead Amphitheaterr. The audience at our summer concerts averages 500 people. The Jazz Patron will be featured in our concert program. These programs are distributed to all 500+ concert attendees. Concert Patron at the Performance, a large banner will announce your company as the patron sponsor of that night’s concert, and you will be invited to address the audience at intermission. The concert program will highlight your sponsorship as a community leader. We will aslo invite the Jazz Patron to help pick the artists for the concect the Patron will be sponsoring.

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This level includes the top 4 items with Jazz Lovers plus the following exclusive benefits: The Jazz Patron will be recognized as the Official Patron of one of our FREE Tuesday Night Market Concerts during the summer in Grinstead Amphitheaterr. The audience at our summer concerts averages 500 people. The Jazz Patron will be featured in our concert program. These programs are distributed to all 500+ concert attendees. Concert Patron at the Performance, a large banner will announce your company as the patron sponsor of that night’s concert, and you will be invited to address the audience at intermission. The concert program will highlight your sponsorship as a community leader. We will aslo invite the Jazz Patron to help pick the artists for the concect the Patron will be sponsoring.

This level includes the top 4 items with Jazz Lovers plus the following exclusive benefits: The Jazz Patron will be recognized as the Official Patron of one of our FREE Tuesday Night Market Concerts during the summer in Grinstead Amphitheaterr. The audience at our summer concerts averages 500 people. The Jazz Patron will be featured in our concert program. These programs are distributed to all 500+ concert attendees. Concert Patron at the Performance, a large banner will announce your company as the patron sponsor of that night’s concert, and you will be invited to address the audience at intermission. The concert program will highlight your sponsorship as a community leader. We will aslo invite the Jazz Patron to help pick the artists for the concect the Patron will be sponsoring.